215 Orchard Ave. NE, Canton, OH 44704

The purpose of Urban Ark is to proclaim Jesus to the people in downtown Canton by sharing His Word through the giving of material things like clothing and groceries.
Sharing his love
We want every man, woman, and child to know and experience the love of Christ firsthand. We do this by serving with volunteers to practice being the
hands and feet of Jesus.
Sharing his word
We want to provide food for the body as well as substance for the soul. We want to share teaching from scripture
to encourage and lift up one another.
sharing material items
The food is distributed free-of-charge and is purchased from the Akron/Canton Food Bank.

800 families
are served every month (on average)

Sunday evening
A hot meal is provided at 5:00 pm.
701 N. Walnut
Canton, OH 44702


Days and hours of clothing and grocery distribution:
215 Orchard Ave. NE
Canton, OH 44704
TUESDAY: 11:00am - 1:00pm

Contact & Location
visit urban ark on Facebook
visit urban ark
215 Orchard Ave. NE
Canton, Ohio 44704
Urban Ark is made possible by our volunteers and those who partner with us in our mission. You can join our mission
today by donating below or by mailing donations to:
215 Orchard Ave. NE
Canton, OH 44704